Wild Wings Birds of Prey is a registered Not for Profit Organisation - Number 13508410.
We run purely on money generated by visitors to our centre, gift shop sales, sponsorships, experience vouchers and providing educational displays along with greatly appreciated donations.
There are a number of ways to support our work as stated above but we also have some links below which raise funds for us whilst you shop!
Amazon - smile.amazon.co.uk (select Wild Wings Birds of Prey before you shop)
You can also donate via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WildWingsBirds/
or click the button above.
If you wish to sponsor a bird for yourself or as a gift please take a look on our sponsorship page / shop or contact the centre on
07957 416883 or enquiries@wildwingsbirdsofprey.co.uk
Thank you to all of our supporters and visitors,
without you we would not be able to do the work we do!